This website, produced by the "Free 'em All" committee, contains information about prisoners held by the various security agencies of the USA, and includes those who are incarcerated for their political actions, religious beliefs or culture, those who are incarcerated unjustly despite evidence of their innocence, and those whose incarceration is cruel, unusual and which contravenes Human Rights and Civil Rights.
On this homepage, you will find:
* a woefully incomplete list of political, conscious and innocent prisoners encaged across the USA.
* a list of political prisoner solidarity groups
* links to information and analysis
The USA does not recognize the existence of political prisoners held in custody by USA agencies, and there is no legally-binding and internationally recognized definition of a political prisoner.
American English definition of political prisoner according to the MacMillan Dictionary [] is, "someone who is sent to prison by their own government because it does not approve of their beliefs or actions".
* USA Political Prisoners face death in prison [link]
* The Prisons of the U$A are instruments of Repression and Oppression [link]
* Solitary Confinement is Human-Rights abuse, according to international law [link]
* "Prisoners of War?" from News [link]
"Definition of Political Prisoner and Prisoner of War", an excerpt from the Jericho Movement Mission Statement:
“They are bothers and sisters, men and women who, as a consequence of their political work and/or organizational affiliations were given criminal charges, arrested or captured, tried in criminal courts and sent to prison. While trying them as criminals, the government maintained files on them referencing their political activities, designed to insure they remain in prison. The Jericho Movement is designed to force the hand of this government as it relates to these brothers and sisters, women and men who while on the streets, made a conscious decision to organize for our freedom and liberation. Then, after making this decision joined or became affiliated with organizations, parties, etc. that advocated and organized for these aims. Then, as a consequence of their work on the streets, and/or involvement in military actions, they were targeted, captured or framed and tried in criminal courts and sentenced to prison. While we recognize that there are many people who have become political after their incarceration, George Jackson (murdered in San Quentin) and Ruchell Magee (Angels Davis’ co-defendant) for example, we believe that this campaign has to focus on those political prisoners and prisoners of war whose incarceration was political from the inception. We can no longer continue to be liberal in our approach to our struggle. We must do what is demanded of us to move our struggle forward, strengthen our movement, internationalize our struggle and gain freedom and independence. While we continue to dither around these issues, we can be of not real help for those people inside the prisons and outside who have become political as a result of our work and struggle for freedom and liberation. With Jericho we are pushing for the admission on the part of the United States government that our political prisoners and prisoners of war do exist inside the prison of the United States, we are pushing for recognition in the international arena and therefore changing how the world views our liberation struggles inside the belly of the beast. We can wait no longer, the time is now.”
California Prisoner Hunger Strike for Human Rights [link]
* Prisoners Strike for Human Rights at Pelican Bay State Prison [link]
* Steve Champion (San Quentin Prison) [link]
* California Prisons censoring newspapers which report on Prisoner's Human Rights movement [link]
* Retaliation Against Hunger Strikers with Inadequate Food (2014-01-10) [link]
Free 'em All!
"Nuclear Resister" Political Prisoner List (update 2012-08) [link]
"Collective Black Peoples Movement (CBPM)" Political Prisoner List [link]
Mumia abu-Jamal [link]
Russell Maroon Shoats [link], updated 2014-02-21, and [link]
Albert Woodfox [link]
Jalil A. Muntaqim [link]
Pvt. Manning (USA Army Whistleblower!) [link]
John Kiriakou (CIA Whistleblower!) [link]
Bernard von NotHaus (Founder, Liberty Dollar) [link]
Bomani Shakur (Keith LaMar) [link]
Roger Christie and the THC Ministry [link]
Aafia Siddiqui, Guantanamo bay prisoner No. 650! [link]
"NATO 3" [link], updated 2014-02-10
"Cleveland 4" [link]
"The Hancock 17" (Drone War Crimes Resisters!)
"The Hancock 15" [link]
"CUNY 6" [link] [link]
"The Anonymous 14 +" [link]
Jeremy Hammond [link]
Kijana Tashiri Askari of California [link]
"Santa Cruz 11" [link]
Linda Lemaster (Santa Cruz, California) [link]
Gregory Koger (released) [link]
"Olympia 6" (Oregon, 2009) [link]
Marie Mason [link]
Kevin "Rashid" Johnson [link]
Hashim Nzinga (NBPP) [link]
Kimberly Rivera, war-resister [link], updated 2013-05
Cecily McMillan, Occupy Wall Street organizer in New York City [link] (updated 2014-05-09)
"Beale 5" [link]
"Food Not Bombs", Ten years of repression and political prisoners [link]
"Cleveland 5" (Food Not Bombs) [link]
"NATO 5" [link], Mark Naiweem [link]
Daniel McGowan [link]
Shakir Hamoodi, imprisoned for humanitarian aid to people of Iraq [link]
Brian Terrell of Maloy, Iowa, a Catholic Witness for Peace [link]
Nate Buckley, antiwar protester [link]
Lynne Stewart, released! [link], updated 2014-02-14
Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald [link]
Leonard Peltier [link]
Eric McDavid [link][link]
Erik Oseland [link]
Mutulu Shakur [link]
"Eddie" Conway [link]
"Angola 3" [link]
Ramsey Muniz, Chicano Political Prisoner [link]
Paul French [link]
Michael Chapin [link]
Nashua Chantal [link]
Katie Olejnik, and Matt Duran [link]
Barrett Brown, "Anonymous" 'spokesperson' [link]
"Pacific Northwest Grand Jury Resisters (Seattle 3)" [link]
The 3 Grand Jury Resisters: Leah, Matt, and Kteeo [link]
"NJ4" [link]
Brian Terrell, a Peace protester [link]
"Transform Now Plowshares 3" [link]
"Bellingham 4" [link]
CeCe McDonald [link]
Matthew Duran [link]
Jordan Halliday [link]
Gregory Lucero [link]
Kellie and Victor VanOrden [link]
Tim DeChristopher [link]
"Omaha 2" [link]
Daniel Birmingham, war resister with the "March Forward" campaign [link]
"Hempstead 15", New York, 2009 [link]
Political Prisoner Solidarity Groups
Prisoner information resources [link]
Books about Political Prisoners USA [link]
Prisoners Literature Project [link]
National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms [], has played a leading role in defending Muslims and others who have been unjustly attacked by the government. Subscribe to their newsletter by sending a request to [].
"Occupy For Prisoners!" campaign, 2012-02 [link], a community-led series of actions in support of unjustly incarcerated prisoners and their families!
* Mumia abu-Jamal's message to "Occupy the Prisons" [link]
Jericho Movement [link]
Inside & Out program of the Nuclear Resister [link]
"United Front for Peace", organized by The Ministry of Prisons (MIM-Prisons) [link]
NYC Anarchist Black Cross
New Years day action in support of Political Prisoners, 2013 [link]
Anarchist POW support tour, 2012-04 [link]
National Occupy Day in Support of Prisoners, 2012 [link]
Denver Anarchist Black Cross []

Innocent Prisoners
Lorenzo Johnson, innocent man struggling for freedom [link], updated 2014-02-19
The Drug War
All people kidnapped by security agencies during a raid against medicinal cannabis clinics are, by definition, Political Prisoners.
* "Oaksterdam University gets a Monday morning federal raid", 2012-04-02 [link]
A Domestic War against the People!
Snitch Culture [link]
Informant: David Agranoff [link]
NATO 3: Undercover Agent admits he did the crime without penalty, 2014-02-03 [link]

Website designed and moderated by Dr.G., Minister of Information for the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) [] []